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准备好迎接冬天! 阿尔伯塔省,B.C. 西路交付计划完成



这个冬天, 更多的家庭可以供暖, and more power will be available to public buildings and industry with additional natural gas following completion of the 西径2023年交付项目. From mid-October to November 1, 70 km of new pipeline went into service; 38 km for NGTL 在阿尔伯塔省南部和32公里 山麓系统 在东南部;.C., with all sections completed 安全 and on, or ahead of, schedule.

The in-service of these projects concludes the entire West Path Delivery Program, adding almost 0.3 bcf/day throughput capacity of Western Canadian Sedimentary Basin (WCSB) natural gas to downstream markets.

查看NGTL和Foothills系统 操作图.

How West Path Delivery 2023 projects contributed – and continue to support – local communities

  • Approximately $350 million in combined provincial GDP for Alberta and B.C. 项目建设期间
  • 在施工高峰期,雇佣了1700多人
  • 大约7美元.300万美元通过雇用土著人民和105美元.8 million in contracts with 土著 affiliated businesses during construction
  • 当地社区投资超过55.5万美元
  • $787 thousand anticipated in annual property taxes to support public services


TC Energy project planning and development includes environmental considerations. As part of the West Path Program’s 环境al Protection Plans, data was collected on environmental elements such as soils and terrain, 野生动物和野生动物栖息地, 植被与湿地, 鱼类和鱼类栖息地, 水及水质, 遗产资源, 空气排放与声环境.

This data helped identify environmental protection measures to be implemented with the goal of ensuring environmentally responsible construction and returning disturbed areas to equivalent land capability.


今年晚些时候, 土桦树主线回路-土星段 is anticipated to be complete and go into service, while energy transition projects, including the 艾伯塔省碳网,继续发展.