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它是负担得起的, 丰富可靠, but did you know natural gas goes beyond serving as a heating and power source? Find out why natural gas continues to be a great choice for consumers’ wallets, 环境, 能源转型, 工业部门和公共卫生.

  1. 这一直是很自然的 
    As an organic compound, natural gas comes by its ‘natural’ moniker honestly. Humans discovered natural gas thousands of years ago and one theory is that the first pipeline was constructed in 500 B.C. 在中国. The belief is that natural gas seeping at the surface was transported via bamboo shoots to be used as a heating source to boil seawater for consumption. 两千多年后, in 1785, Britain first used natural gas commercially to light houses and streetlights. 今天的 天然气经过处理以去除水、砂和其他化合物 燃烧得更干净、更有效. 
  2. 需求高、价格实惠的选择
    加拿大和美国.S. have abundant natural gas reservoirs that position this energy source to be affordable for years to come.  天然气的低排放特征, 与煤和木材相比, also makes it a valued commodity as liquified natural gas (LNG) for international customers as a cleaner energy source. 它补充太阳能的能力, wind and other intermittent renewable energy sources as a safe and reliable fuel adds to its appeal.
  3. 用压缩天然气为车辆加油(天然气)
    Natural gas is one of the only fuels that can lower a fleet’s carbon footprint while maintaining affordability and reliability making 天然气 an emerging, 在北美很受欢迎的交通工具替代燃料. And it’s not just transport trucks and buses using 天然气; commercially produced 天然气 引擎 for medium- and heavy-duty vehicles are also coming onto the market. 在美国.S., Walmart and UPS are early 天然气 adopters, while in Canada, Tourmaline 石油 Corp. 以及位于加州的清洁能源燃料公司. 在加拿大西部建立一个清洁燃料站网络. 
  4. 利用废物发电 
    可再生天然气 (RNG)来源于有机物——动物粪便的分解, 堆填区的废物, and wastewater sludge — capturing methane to prevent it from being released into the atmosphere and processing it as a clean energy source. 威尼斯电玩城手游公司有16个 RNG互联 包括 三哩峡谷农场的合作伙伴 that collects biogas from 33,000 dairy cows to be processed and used as RNG. 威尼斯电玩城手游还有一个 3河流能源伙伴关系 that’s leveraging a Jack Daniel’s whiskey distilling process to create RNG at a facility in Lynchburg, TN.


  1. 天然气为工业燃料和产品提供了原料
    天然气用于 不同的方式 制造化妆品, 医学, 合成纤维和塑料, including medical products such as acrylic lenses to improve vision for those with cataracts. It’s also key in producing fertilizer; our 3河流能源伙伴关系 includes using RNG to produce liquid fertilizer for local agriculture demand. Natural gas is also a fuel choice for manufacturers who want to lower costs and emissions through Combined Heat and Power (CHP), an efficient process that captures excess heat and steam generated during manufacturing and repurposes it back into the system.
  2. 利用氢
    Hydrogen energy is considered to have a low emissions profile because when it’s burned, 主要的副产品是水. 使用天然气提取 有办法利用这种低排放的能源吗, 然后可以用来发电吗, 热与电 引擎,通常是通过燃料电池技术.
  3. 创造一个更健康的家园
    说到给家里供暖, natural gas is a much more environmentally friendly and healthy choice than using 木. 这是因为 会多释放75%的二氧化碳2 than natural gas and causes elevated exposure to toxic substances including benzene, 甲醛和细小的烟尘颗粒.
