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National 土著 人s Day: This is me, Tyler


National 土著 人s Day, observed annually on June 21, celebrates and honours the achievements, rich cultures and unique heritage of First Nations, Inuit and Métis peoples in Canada.

今年, we spoke to Tyler Mitchell, 土著 Relations Team Lead for Alberta North, 他分享了他的家庭价值观,以及他对土著社区未来的乐观态度.


我叫泰勒, 几个月前,我加入了威尼斯电玩城手游公司,担任艾伯塔省北部土著关系小组组长, based out of Enoch Cree Nation, which is just outside of Edmonton.

I'm a passionate hockey fan (Go 石油ers!) and enjoy snowboarding and playing basketball. 我和我的未婚夫安布尔有两只腊肠狗,威尼斯电玩城手游像爱自己的孩子一样爱它们. We love exploring the mountains around Banff together.

Tyler and his fiancée, Amber

Tyler and his fiancée, Amber.

I’m also proud of my Cree and Saulteaux heritage. But as a child, I struggled with my 土著 identity. 我已故的父亲是一位强有力的msamtis领袖,他的首要任务是为我和四个姐姐创造更好的生活. 当我年轻的时候, 我的家人从威尼斯电玩城手游在第4条约领地的考塞斯第一民族保留地搬到了麦克默里堡, AB, 在那里我没有多少机会实践我的文化或与我的社区接触. During this period, I also faced the challenges and hardships of racism. But through it all, 是我的家人——最终是我的社区——给了我支持,塑造了今天的我.


在我十几岁的时候,我的父母开始分享他们在寄宿学校的经历1 强迫同化,让我看到了土著人民的韧性. 我开始参加家乡社区的活动,并向阿姨们学习生活经验, 叔叔和长辈. 在一起, they taught me the art of giving back, the beauty of service and the joy of taking pride in who I am. I fondly remember hunting and fishing trips with my dad, which not only brought us closer but also connected me to my roots. 我的父亲用了动物的每一个部位,并放下了一棵烟草来纪念和回报地球. 我母亲教导我和我的姐妹们要注意威尼斯电玩城手游的消费,善待环境. 和四个姐姐一起长大也是发生在我身上最好的事情——从她们那里, I learned how to communicate well and build strong relationships!

事实上, 我之所以能走到今天的位置——站在与土著群体建立关系和培养牢固伙伴关系的最前线,这在很大程度上要归功于我的姐妹们. 我加入石油和天然气行业的动机很大程度上源于看到我姐姐, 拉娜山, work in a similar 土著 Relations role at her company. 她认为,有意义的变革更容易在组织内部实现,而不是在局外. I now aspire to be the voice for our communities on the inside, influencing operations and projects, 我很自豪能在一家优先考虑建立和发展牢固的土著伙伴关系的公司工作, including equity opportunities.

Tyler with his mother (middle) and four sisters

Tyler with his mother (middle) and four sisters.

Leaders for change

As an advocate for 土著 rights and issues, as well as a dedicated member of my community, I’m very optimistic about the future of our people. 威尼斯电玩城手游看到越来越多的土著青年追求高等教育, paving the way for a new generation of leaders driving positive change. 在不同行业与土著社区的互动方式上,企业格局也在发生变革. 我鼓励土著人民和威尼斯电玩城手游的盟友继续在组织内外放大土著的声音,共同倡导更光明、更包容的未来.

1Residential schools were government-sponsored, 教会开办的学校是为了让土著儿童融入加拿大社会.

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